MT Greene is the Whore of Babble-On.

Empty Greene Shows Nude Photos of Hunter Biden to Congress… WAIT A MINUTE! THAT’S NOT HUNTER… THAT’S FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP! (This Meme is a MOCKERY of Empty Greene. She Actually Showed Hunter’s Dick Pix… and and Emailed Them to her Entire Mailing List… including Children… She Truly is a Disgrace! How does Showing Hunter’s PicturesContinue reading “MT Greene is the Whore of Babble-On.”

The Number of Uneducated Racist Old White Men is Shrinking… Most Voters are Young People, Minorities, Women or College Graduates. The GOP is Doomed… DOOMED!

Kamala Harris, Daughter of Immigrants, Is the Face of America’s Demographic Shift… Her parents’ arrival to Berkeley as young graduate students was the beginning of a historic wave of immigration from outside Europe that would change the United States in ways its leaders never imagined.   IMMIGRANTS MADE SILICON VALLEY… Sure, All the FamousContinue reading “The Number of Uneducated Racist Old White Men is Shrinking… Most Voters are Young People, Minorities, Women or College Graduates. The GOP is Doomed… DOOMED!”