How to Prevent Your Own Brainwashing… UNPLUG From the Mind Control TV Networks… FOX & SINCLAIR

They are Lying In Order to Take Advantage of YOU! They Command BUY, BUY, BUY More Useless Plastic Crap! and CHARGE IT if you have no money. Avoid listening to people that are trying to influence your beliefs. Stop looking at them also. For Example: On TV there are endless advertisements that are trying toContinue reading “How to Prevent Your Own Brainwashing… UNPLUG From the Mind Control TV Networks… FOX & SINCLAIR”

Let’s Cut the Pentagon Budget In Half and Refund the Money to The Taxpayers. It’s an Absurd Waste of Money and People’s Lives.

Since 1945, the US Military Has Never Defended the Country. NOT EVEN ONCE. Every War since WW2 Has Been a Marketing Trick Engineered to Increase Sales by The Military Industrial Complex… Dow Chemical, Hughes Aircraft, Lockheed, FMC, Raytheon…  Remember: People Waste Their Entire Working Lives Serving in the Military or Working at a Defense Contractor.Continue reading “Let’s Cut the Pentagon Budget In Half and Refund the Money to The Taxpayers. It’s an Absurd Waste of Money and People’s Lives.”

WHY? NO Actual Jail Time for any of the Wall Street Banksters that Decimated the World’s Economy in 2008… Costing US Taxpayers $623 Billion Dollars… When poor people engage in such activity, we call it looting. But for the princes of American capital and their lieutenants at the Fed and the Treasury, this was pure crisis management. Today, Ben Bernanke, Hank Paulson and Timothy Geithner insist they did what they had to under conditions of extreme duress. Mistakes wereContinue reading “WHY? NO Actual Jail Time for any of the Wall Street Banksters that Decimated the World’s Economy in 2008… Costing US Taxpayers $623 Billion Dollars…”