We Have a Budget Surplus. Why Collect Gasoline Taxes at All? That’s Compulsive Hoarding of Money… a Mental Health Disease. Let’s Take a Six Month Tax Holiday! You May Email the Governor using this Form: and Your State Senator, Representative: Gasoline Price Too High? Better Stop Driving… Why Pay a Fortune to PolluteContinue reading “STOP COLLECTING GASOLINE TAXES IN CALIFORNIA.”

Repeal and Replace tRUMP’S Tax Cut for the Rich Law. It’s Bankrupting America. Tax Cuts for the 99% would Stimulate Our Economy. BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS WOULD WORK… Remember: REGROOVING is the Cure for Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome… If the Majority of people paid less taxes, we would spend that Extra Money at American Businesses… Increasing Profits for the Stockholders, Creating Jobs, Cutting Unemployment Payments, Cutting Welfare Payments… Everybody Wins.  It’s Called BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS and a Proven Success.  See? REGROOVINGContinue reading “Repeal and Replace tRUMP’S Tax Cut for the Rich Law. It’s Bankrupting America. Tax Cuts for the 99% would Stimulate Our Economy. BUBBLE UP ECONOMICS WOULD WORK…”

Trump-0-nomics: FAILS AGAIN… Main Street Has a Lot of Closed Stores. Amazon Pays No Taxes but Most Stores DO… Unfair Trump Tax Cut for the Rich Law Causes Retail Disaster. Headline: These Chains Have Announced a Ton of Store Closings in 2019. The retail landscape is looking bleaker and bleaker.  Retail Apocalypse: These big retailers closing stores, filing for bankruptcy  Sears and Kmart Are Closing Even More Stores. Trump’s Tariffs Fail Again… The president’s policies are hurting the U.S. economy. WAKE UP! MUG for sale! Trump’s a Total Failure. Dude…  WAKE UP!Continue reading “Trump-0-nomics: FAILS AGAIN… Main Street Has a Lot of Closed Stores. Amazon Pays No Taxes but Most Stores DO… Unfair Trump Tax Cut for the Rich Law Causes Retail Disaster. Headline: These Chains Have Announced a Ton of Store Closings in 2019.”