Obviously, Mind Control has Worked… Notice the MAGA MORONS… They Cannot Think for Themselves but just OBEY Trump and FOX NEWS… ROBOTS… Mindless Vegetables! How was this Accomplished? Television and Endless Repetition of LIES… During the Sixties the CIA Experimented With Brainwashing using LSD to try and get young people to NOT Protest against theContinue reading “CIA BRAINWASHING – LSD MKULTRA – FOX NEWS”

Trump Liar Liar Pants on Fire

Now Trump is Selling Bibles… A Book He Obviously Has Not Read… Remember Moses and the 10 Commandments? Thou Shalt NOT BOINK a Porn Star While Married… Trump Behaves Like Moses Was JUST JOKING and Commandments are for Suckers and Losers! Trump Was a Disaster as President. Over a Million Americans Died from COVIDContinue reading “Trump Liar Liar Pants on Fire”

Trump’s Magic Time Machine Doomed to Fail Again

When President Ronald Reagan first spoke the words “Let’s Make America Great Again” He Implied that there was a time in the Past when America was Great… and we ought to return to that time… WHEN was That? the 1950s? The 1850s? 1776? 1066? 3,000 BC ? I believe that Both Ronald Reagan and CopycatContinue reading “Trump’s Magic Time Machine Doomed to Fail Again”

Great Book: “How the Right Lost Its Mind” by Charles Sykes – Explaining Trumpism and how reasonable people became rabid dogs… and… Trump’s Secret Prisons. Once at the center of the American conservative movement, bestselling author and radio host Charles Sykes is a fierce opponent of Donald Trump and the right-wing media that enabled his rise. In How the Right Lost Its Mind, Sykes presents an impassioned, regretful, and deeply thoughtful account of how the American conservative movement cameContinue reading “Great Book: “How the Right Lost Its Mind” by Charles Sykes – Explaining Trumpism and how reasonable people became rabid dogs… and… Trump’s Secret Prisons.”

The REAL Meaning of “Make America Great Again”. It supposes that America was great at a TIME in the PAST… For Example 1950, 1850 or 1776

For something to be great AGAIN it had to be Great BEFORE… For Example: The 1950s was a time before Women’s Liberation, Civil Rights, Hippies or Gay Rights… It was a time of Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Happy Days and Beatniks… I believe that When Ronald Reagan Spoke the Slogan “Let’s MakeContinue reading “The REAL Meaning of “Make America Great Again”. It supposes that America was great at a TIME in the PAST… For Example 1950, 1850 or 1776″