I’ve Been Hacked

If You Read Any CrazyTalk® Supposedly From Me… It’s Someone Else! USERNAME=Benjamin*Kenobie420 PASSWORD=Plausible*Deniability42

 However… This was Really Drawn by Me… 

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics meme by gvan42

Here is Something I Supposedly Posted on “Truth” Social… I’m Certain it was Written by Someone Else because I’m Not a Member of “Truth” Social… 

“Trump’s Coronavirus Was Engineered at Fort Detrick, Maryland and Deployed in China. The Global Pandemic Was Unexpected Blowback. The Bio-Warfare Soldiers Expected to Have China Lock Down and The Virus Would Only Infect Chinese People… What they Failed to Plan For was China Opening its Borders and Allowing the Virus to Spread Worldwide… Which is What Actually Happened!”

SEE? I Would Never Write That! Nope! Not ME!

But It Makes Me Wonder… Is It True? 

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and then on FaceBorg I Saw:

Climate Change Meme

and I Replied: 
Do whatever you can… but do something… Every Action is Useful… mostly to awaken your friends and neighbors to the QUESTIONS That Ecology Activists are asking… Write a Song, Paint a Painting… Blow up a Building Like the Weathermen of the 1960s did… While watching the Refineries in Ukraine on FIRE with Massive Billowing Smoke I realized that the TOTAL amount of Air Pollution Remains the Same if set on Fire inside an Auromobile or Bombed with a Rocket… Something to think about…

Well, I’m old and never leave the house… so my days of Actions are Over… I participated in Anti-War Protest Marches against the Vietnam War and WE WERE SUCCESSFUL… WE Convinced Nixon to End the War… So, I believe your statement is False… I believe ALL ACTIONS are Worthy… “They” Want you to Believe Your Peaceful Protests are Useless… I remember John and Yoko Lennon on a TV Talkshow and the Interviewer said: “Oh, My Dear Boy, You Don’t Actually Believe You Are Making a Difference.” With a Scornful Tone of Voice… and He DID Make a Difference… We Ended the War and We Ended the Draft and then there was 15 Years of Peace… 

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I Did Write THIS!

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Remember: If the GOP Wins the House in 2022 they will Impeach Biden. Remember: Biden would not have to Actually Commit an Impeachable Offense…
He would only need to be ACCUSED by Republicriminals! A Majority VOTE!
and then He will Not be Convicted in the Senate. So They will Impeach Him again… and again… and again… Many Many Many Times before the 2024 election… and Biden Will Not Run in 2024… Exhausted by Endless Attacks and OLD AGE.
Maybe the GOP Will Only Impeach Biden Three Times… So He will Hold the Record of the Most times Impeached… after all they will need to Impeach Kamala Harris as well… and SCOTUS Jackson… That way the Speaker of the House Becomes President! and they OUTLAW Voting, Crown Trump King and Pass more Tax Cuts for the Rich Laws, Steal all the Social Security Money, Throw all Old People OFF Medicare, Outlaw Abortion and Birth Control, Rewrite all History Books so White People are always Wonderful and Right! Imprison all the Gays, Declare Jesus is the ONE TRUE GOD… and Send all the Non-White Immigrants Right Back Where they Came From!


Simple Solution: Inflation is a Voluntary Choice by Corporate CEOs. They Select to Raise Prices. Let’s Make Them a Better Offer. READ MORE:


Not One Word Is True.

Whip Inflation Now - FREE Coloring Book Art by gvan42

Billy (Not His Real Name) Was Wondering: “What IF We Kidnapped the CEO of ExxonValdez and Held Him Until the Price of Gasoline Went Down. He Could Call his Second in Command and Tell Him to Roll Back The Prices… or the Kidnappers Would Cut Off One Finger a Day Until They Did… 

Make a Video of the CEO Begging and Publish it Online… Everywhere… Complete with a Newspaper with Today’s Date… and then Tomorrow Publish a Video of the Same CEO with NINE Fingers… 

I Bet That Before that CEO Had Lost All his Fingers and His Penis, Prices Would Be Lower… and OTHER CEOs would have Gotten the Message! And Their Days of Playing the Piano Would Be Saved!”

and Sally Replied: “No! That’s a Crazy Idea.”

and Billy Replied: “I Agree Sally, But You Know It Would Work… Sigh… “

The Godfather – I’m Gonna Make Him An Offer He Can’t Refuse… 

and Just For Deep Background: Darren Woods is the CEO of ExxonValdez… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darren_WoodsAccusation of lying to CongressIn 2021, Woods denied that Exxon had covered up its own research about Big Oil‘s contribution to the climate crisis. The chair of the Congressional committee taking Woods’ testimony likened Woods’ denial to the decades’ long lies by the American tobacco industry denying that nicotine is addictive.[11] Woods also declined to make a pledge to stop lobbying against climate initiatives.[11]

Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law is Causing Inflation in 2022 - MEME - gvan42

When I Posted this Idea on FaceBORG

I Was Banished for a Day. 

Promoting Violence.

an Entire Day! 

What a Horrible Punishment!

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On a Different Subject: 

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My earliest memory is also fear… The surprise whistle on the Ferry boat to Vancouver Island… SUPER LOUD! …and the NEAR Flood of the Guadalupe River in San Jose where we Lived… the Flood was really exciting and fear combined… 

Kinetic Sculpture Horse

When I worked on the Lumberjack Newspaper at Humboldt State University… I Interviewed June Moxon and wrote an article Inviting people to go to a Fundraiser Open House there… Perhaps the High Point of my College years… It’s entirely possible that my readers saw that article and Bought a Ticket!

I included a Link to a book about her… and many other Worthy Women… https://www.amazon.com/Skys-Limit-Stories-Discovery-Women/dp/B000VYSXY0

Homer's List of Crazy US Government Projects

Interesting List! I figure I’m a Participant in MK-Ultra… The CIA Gave LSD to Ken Kesey and Robert Hunter and then Robert’s Band (The Grateful Dead) went on TOUR for Decades and Magically… People in the Parking Lot sold LSD… I believe the LACK of Law Enforcement was Intentional because the CIA was Simply Curious to see what would happen if a Millions People Took LSD… and Then they allowed the Vendors to Thrive BECAUSE LSD WORKED as a Mind Control Agent. It Made the People Who Took It Fundamentally Uninterested in Protesting Against The Vietnam War… People Became rural farmers or Craftspeople or wrote Lyrics, made pottery, played Guitar, painted paintings, macrame, made Tie Dye Shirts etc etc etc – all pastimes that DID NOT Threaten the Ruling Class… of Course, there were a few Exceptions: Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin and Country Joe McDonald but… Just Like That Famous CIA Consultant Timothy Leary Said… “Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out.” and Stop Interfering with The Proifits of the Military Industrial Complex!

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On FaceBorg SE Said: 

A few things about me which I think are perfectly normal, but are apparently considered unusual:

1. I buy most things with cash, and I ALWAYS use cash to buy gas. I don’t understand why anyone buys gas with a credit card when it’s cheaper if you pay cash.

2. I only buy stuff online when I can’t find it in a store.

3. I only give my cell phone number to friends and family members. I have a landline for everything else. I don’t want the whole world to be able to reach me on my cell. Even my employer doesn’t have my cell number.

4. I have no interest in streaming services. I just don’t watch that much TV. I don’t need to be able to binge-watch an entire series of a show. Whatever is being shown on cable is more than enough for me.

5. I actually prefer the radio anyway. I’ve always loved radio, the randomness of it. I admit that modern radio sucks compared to radio in the past, but I still listen to the radio a lot more than I watch TV.

6. I don’t use delivery services like Doordash. I don’t see the point in paying extra to have food delivered when I can just pick it up myself and pay less.

and I Replied: 

I don’t have the options you have. I leave the house about Twice a Year… via LYFT… and It always costs about $25… STILL, That’s much cheaper than owning a Car and Paying for Car Insurance and Gas… 

I do all my shopping Online. I never listen to the Radio. I have a TV That’s on 24 hours a day… mostly on Light Classical Music… They play Greig, Mozart Beethoven, Bach and the Russians… It’s especially useful for drowning out noise from the living room… people there have telephone conversations where they yell at their Children or Husband… or the TV in the living room is on to some Crazy Station and the person watching allows COMMERCIALS to play withou Muting Them… WHY? 

I also watch Ancient Aliens, The UnXplained and Beyond the Unknown… many Travel Shows… and The News: ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN… Local News is more interesting because they have stories about what’s happening here in Sacramento. Network News Like CNN & MSNBC is Always the Same: “People Far Away from Here are Behaving Crazy and So Their Lives SUCK! and Their Neighbor’s Lives SUCK Too.” – Why is that “NEWS?” – My FREE ADVICE is: “Stop Behaving Crazy or Don’t… Whatever, Keep Away From Here!”

Javascript Computer Art by gvan42

Backstory (~);-} The Origin of Grateful Dead Artwork, Logo, Icons – Skull and Roses, Dancing Bears, Steal Your Face, AoxoMoxoA… Mouse, Kelley, Owsley, Bob Thomas, Rick Griffin, Wes Wilson, Victor Moscone, Bob Seidemann

Skull and Roses Album Cover - Grateful Dead

Stanley “Mouse” Miller said: We [Miller and collaborator Alton Kelley] would go to the San Francisco library and peruse the books on poster art. They had a back room full of books you couldn’t take out with great references. We were just going through that and looking for something. And found this thing and thought, “This says Grateful Dead all over it.” I hate to say this, but Kelley cut it out with a pen knife. I always say that we Xeroxed it, but there weren’t Xerox machines then. I finally found it about two years ago, the actual cut-out piece, and I went, “Oh, my God.” It’s from the book of poems “The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.” The edition was done by an artist called Edmund Sullivan. And the poem that goes with this illustration is fantastic. It’s short and sweet and had to do with wine, women and song.


Skull and Roses Album Cover –
Grateful Dead Record Cover

READ MORE:https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2021/12/origins-of-grateful-dead-artwork-mouse.html
and then SE Said on FaceBorg:I don’t know what it takes to find lasting friendships in this world. I can occasionally find someone to hang out with for a day, but then they always seem to disappear. Other people seem to have friends who stay in their lives. I wonder why that is so elusive to me? If I hang out with someone and we have a nice time together, why can’t we hang out again? Where do they disappear to? Romantic relationships are a joke at this point. I should have been more focused on that when I was younger. That ship sailed years ago. I untied the rope myself and pushed the ship away from the dock, thinking another ship would come along shortly. I didn’t understand that that was the only ship. Once it sails, it’s gone forever. The main thing I care about now is just having someone to spend time with who cares about me. A friend would be fine. Yes, I know I do have friends, but most of them aren’t local, or they aren’t available to spend time with me because they have their own relationships that take priority, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But you’d think it would be easier to connect with other single people in my area. You’d think other single women would be looking for a single friend like me to go out and have fun with every once in a while. There is so much I want to do, but I don’t want to do it alone. I’ve got a good job now, and I can afford stuff. Can I buy a friend? Just kidding…but really, I would if I could. I’ve tried going out alone hoping to make friends, but that’s impossible when nobody else is alone. Everyone else is always with other people, so I go out alone and remain alone the entire time. Meetup groups in my area aren’t very good either. I’ve tried a few, but they tend to be cliquey. Hard to make friends in groups of people who have already formed a clique.and I Replied: I’m sorry to hear this because… that’s been the story of my life too… I’ve been Married and Divorced Twice but I’ve spent Decades single… Only to find a girfriend that was insane… Be aware that the Single Men you meet ALSO have had Decades of Bad Experiences too… NO FREE ADVICE HERE… I met my Second Wife at Alcoholics Anonymous… They even Call it the 13th Step… It’s Officially a Twelve Step Program BUT… The 13th Step is… “This is a Good Place to find a Mate” – Of Course, that wouldn’t work for you because you’re not an Alcoholic… Sorry…

and then SE Stated: I’ve been thinking about my post yesterday, and I really do think that things like online dating and social media are part of the reason why it’s become so hard to connect with people in real life. I’ve given up on online dating because it’s just too depressing. You go on a date, it seems to go well, and then…nothing. I’ve occasionally had people contact me months or even YEARS later for a second date! What is that all about? I was hoping for someone who I’d see on a fairly consistent basis, we’d get to know each other, and hopefully it would develop into a relationship. But that can’t possibly happen if the person only wants to go out once every few months or YEARS. Give me a break!

But I think what happens is that people get this illusion that there is an endless assortment of choices, so they don’t care about getting to know people anymore. Go on a date, have a nice time, and the next day, go on a date with someone else, then someone else, then someone else again. Why bother to get close to someone and form a relationship with them if you can just keep meeting new people? This seems to be the mindset, and it makes me sad because I’m tired of having to constantly meet new people for companionship. I want to form a long-term friendship (or possibly a romantic relationship) with ONE PERSON who I can count on and trust. It seems so strange to me that so few people seem to want that anymore.

The internet is basically an illusion. All of those people on dating apps aren’t real until you connect in real life. If you connect in real life and then immediately disappear back into the void, chances are the other person is going to feel hurt. Making a one-time real-life connection to someone and then never seeing them again leaves a person feeling very empty. Like, what was the point? And eventually you move past it, and then a year later they contact you out of the blue and want to go out again? So they spent an entire year looking for someone better before lowing their standards and reaching out to you a second time. An entire YEAR after your first meeting. Yeah, no thanks. If it took you a year to decide that you wanted to see me again, don’t even bother.Links to More Posts:

Published by wolfgangsterling

I like math. Especially Computer Art. http://gvan42.blogspot.com

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